Outsourcing Collections

outsourcing collections
Collector Won’t Answer or Call Back. Who Do I Call?

I have an old bill that I forgot about, I don’t even know where it’s from, but according to my credit report, it’s being collected by Asset Management Outsourcing. I filled out the form to be called back three times and I’ve called many numbers, only to be lead to an automated answering service. I’ve left several messages and no one has called back.

I want to contact credit bureaus to either get the information about how to contact them or who to contact if that debt is no longer with that collection agency.

Every site I go to, it’s all an add to get a credit report. Under the site map, I can’t find anything relevant to my situation.

Who do I call to figure out where this debt came from and who is now the collector in charge of collecting it? I don’t even remember how I might’ve accumulated this bill. It’s really small, too. Just $150. I definitely would’ve paid that had I know it were there.

Thanks in advance!

If they won’t respond, then dispute the debt with the credit bureaus. If this firm won’t validate the debt, then it must be removed from your credit reports. Here’s how to dispute: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/consumer/credit/cre21.shtm

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