Web Design Consulting

web design consulting
Which company I should consult to get a good rate for buidling my website.?

I am looking to develop my own website but would like to know where I can go and find some good rates based on my specifications. My budged is around ~$2000 and the website I am looking for will be database-driven where users will create memberships and post blogs. I am familiar with basic web design/programming and web hosting but don’t have any good skills in designing such a complicated website. Any feed back will be much appreciated. Thanks.

First of all never put your budget in open, everybody will bid more than that . You can post your project at freelance websites like http://getafreelnacer.com/ or http://www.indianfreelancer.net/ and let many web designers bid for your project, you can then hire whoever you like.

Azul 7 a Design Consulting Firm

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