Website Design Tips

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Procurement Outsourcing

Need help with this business management question.?

All functions within a business organization can be classified in two categories: production and everything else. The “everything else” is best termed ______.

a. outsourcing
b. procurement
c. administration and support
d. implementation

a, and b. are sub decisions. c. could qualify as the answer, since you could say “All functions within a business organization can be classified in two categories; SALES and everything else and c. would still work.

The problem is that d. is a catch-all term. Implementation of what? I have run a manufacturing company for over 20 years, and my gut feeling says that c. is the correct statement.
Good luck!

P.S. I would like to know the answer, so please email me when you get it. Thanks!

Internet Website Design

Website Design Ideas

Outsourcing Services

Ecommerce Website Design

How to make a website for an eCommerce business?

Will I be able to make a website on my own without any experience or knowledge of website design? If not, how do I hire a website designer and how does that work? Also, how much does hiring a website designer usually cost?

In my opinion it’s better especially for a start up business to hire independent contractors than looking for a company, which will save you cost.

One of the best thing you need to do is screen them first (conduct and interview regarding how he or she will create the website, what programming language(s) to use, what are the tools, ask something that regards on creating you a website), it will assure you that applicants has the knowledge for the job. You could also ask for references of their past employers.

In figuring the rate of web designers there are lots of thing you should consider and one of it is the location. India and the Philippines is a great way to outsource tasks, which the cost is considerably low compared to UK and US. Try to check out (, where they have a large pool of competent yet affordable Filipino web designers.

You could also look on other outsourcing sites, Elance, Freelancer and etc.

Graphic Design Websites

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