Corporate Identity Design

corporate identity design
Need logo for band name ‘Flesh’?

So i’m doing a Graphics product, and it’s corporate identity, so i decided to do a band and promote them/ their merchandise.

Basically.. I need to design a Logo for my chosen band ‘Flesh’
It’s going to be a Punk band, so gore is acceptable.
I also wouldn’t mind like semi naked people.. that would be cool.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas/ pictures which would help me?

I’ve already got some ideas;
A woman with her top half naked and she’s got ‘Flesh’ etched down her back.
The same but on an arm
Or ‘flesh’ tattooed onto an arm/part of the body,

My boyfriend came up with doing something like the cover of Blink 182’s Dude Ranch,
A cow with ‘blink 182’ branded on it’s bum,.
That would be pretty good.

Thankyou for all your help/ideas in advance :]

Casey ♥


Corporate identity design using

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