Designing A Website

designing a website
What to learn next in website designing?

I know html a little and i want suggestions that what should i learn next dhtml or xml or any other thing that is very very useful. For advance learners.

its no good if you know a little HTML learn HTML all of it tables tags

heres a list

HTML Elements
HTML Attributes
HTML Headings
HTML Paragraphs
HTML Formatting
HTML Styles
HTML Links
HTML Images
HTML Tables
HTML Lists
HTML Forms
HTML Frames
HTML Iframes
HTML Colors
HTML Colornames
HTML Colorvalues
HTML Quick List

+ more you need to know HTML then go on to learn CSS Cascading Style Sheets HTML is like the back bone to website design CSS is the outter body the layout another words HTML is the metal work of a car and CSS is the paint work hope you understand that lol link below might help you w3schools Learn HTML , CSS , CSS3 JAVA and so on untill u know php ajax ect ect good luck : )

HTML Tutorial 1 – Designing A Website In Notepad – Basics and Beginnings

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