Logo Design Atlanta

logo design atlanta
How much should he pay me for a stationary design and where and…..?

it’s my first time i am working as a freelance graphic designer through the internet, and i designed for someone a logo through a website (which connects companies and freelancers workers) and he liked it so he asked me to do a stationary design outside the website that connected us, so how much do i tell him to pay me in dollar?,
and how do i get the money knowing that i live in Egypt and he is in Atlanta, And Egypt doesn’t have Paypal, Moneybookers or AlertPay, just only western union but western union kind of takes much fees on transactions, should i open an account in any bank and he transport the money to my account or what?,
and how do i make sure that he will give me the money after i design his stationary?
Please answer quickly, i am new to this and i really need some advice…

For your first “commission” job designing the stationery, you should charge a fee like $200 USD.

Your idea of opening the bank account will work. You can also ask your bank for the name of their “corresponding” bank. Banks do business with each other and will trust deposits from their preferred “friends” even tho they are not affiliated.

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