Creative Logo Designs

creative logo designs
I have an hour to design a logo for a contest website. Help me!

The company is called PFFJ need help coming with a creative design. So far I have the letters on a background with a red ribbon and "F" in the face back to back. Are you allowed to use images of her as a picture of a pop star or that violate copyrights? I try to make a theme Circus! HELP!

Do not use images of people, famous or not, the authorization – which is nothing but trouble. Here's an idea: do not know how much space you need to work, but try to put the tent (roof {) via letters (like an umbrella) and I'm a clown based in the "J" by hand. It could also include a 'rope loose / trapeze "between" F ". I like to have the F in front of the other – which is a good start, but not sure of the letter "P". Just my thoughts luck anyway …. good!

Sol Sender – Obama Logo Design Part 1 of 2

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