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How much money does MS pay for Xbox 360 advertising?

Is it just me, or does Microsoft pay a lot more money for it’s advertising? I notice that almost everywhere I look, it’s “Xbox 360, 360, 360”. Even the games that are multi-platform will bear the Xbox 360 logo at the top.

Is the X360 a good(ish) system, advertised awesomely, and the PS3 a revolutionary sysytem, advertised poorly? What are your thoughts?

xbox 360 is pretty good. online/multiplayer rocks on it. PS3 it has so much potential i think. the makers of PS3s haven’t even taped into there capability’s well they have some but theres much more coming there just in a lot of debt because there system is hard to make and hard to program. which one is better i would have to say the 360 is the best right now. but i wouldn’t be to surprised if in a few years it was the opposite. I dont know how much xbox is spending but i know its more than PS3 or so it seems.

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