Designing Corporate Logos

designing corporate logos
What, if anything, is written on your favourite coffee/tea cup?

A corporate logo? Your favourite sports team? Worlds greatest Dad/Mum/Grandpa/Grandma/Boss? A souvenir from somewhere you’ve visited? Or maybe you prefer a plain ‘classic’ design?

Mine is a promotional cup from Northrop Grumman with a picture of the B1 stealth bomber – it was a gift from someone who works there, and i like it because it’s BIG!

I feel quite jealous of your mug. I assume it’s a normal shape with a piccy on the front and not and cup shaped like an actual B1 stealth bomber? That would be tricky, although you could hold the wings and put your tea in the main fuselage. You could have Hobnob bombs!

I don’t have anything written on either my coffee mug or teacup, but my teapot is industrial sized and has the following written on it (well you asked), eggy soldiers, digestives, beans on toast, mince pies, scones with clotted cream, chip butties, cornflakes. On the lid it says ‘ good with’

My coffee cup is one I got in a sale for £2 in Whittards –

My tea cup. lol. Ah now then..erm.. I apologise in advance as it’s going to take a while to get to the point of this, but I feel a desperate need to point out the underlying circumstances 🙂

Being a family of ferocious tight wads t- bags were viewed as not only ‘lazy’ but also ridiculously indulgent. So it was loose tea in our house. Much to my embarrassment I have to say. I became terrified of swallowing a gobful of loose tea leaves that were invariably at the bottom of every cup. So, I used to leave approx half the tea in the cup. My Nan got cheesed off with me wasting what she made, so she went upstairs and brought out this souvenir bone china tea cup and saucer that said ‘Greetings From Southport'(y’know the type of thing ,it came in one of those boxes that contained a satin cushion like all those silver keys you get for 21st)

Consequently I can’t drink tea out of anything but dead granny teacups such as you see in charity shops ( which is where I ‘source’ mine lol I do wash them)

So er this is what mine looks like –

I still leave a bit in the bottom of the cup cos it’s my ‘ouse and I can do what I like! 🙂

Hugo Brioso | Corporate Identity & Logo Design | Graphic Design | Portfolio

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