Graphic Design Images

graphic design images
Getty Images for graphic design?

If I use pictures from Getty Images in graphics I design to post on the web, does that count as a copyright infringement?

I believe it depends on what kind of copyright has been placed on these images. Are they stock or from a professional portfolio? If they’re stock than there should be some sort of statement as to how and when they can be used. If in doubt, try contacting the photographer and asking them about it, if they’ve got contact information up.

You should be looking for a creative commons license (I think that’s what it’s called) or a statement as to how the stock is to be used on the page the image you’re using is posted. If there’s nothing of the sort, resort to talking to the photographer/artist if you can find contact information that they’ve posted, or find a lawyer and ask them what the laws regarding such uses are.

The new dimension in image design – MAGIX Xtreme Photo & Graphic Designer 5 (English)

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