Interior Design Software

interior design software
Is there an interior design software that can do what I need?

We are entering a new place soon, and decor which may be a problem if you do not know where to start. I'm looking for some kind of program that can take pictures of my house, and develop software that can interact with the room and objects (chairs, tables, paintings, carpets, etc.). Could I have a 2-D or 3-D image of how the rooms give if they were decorated. With so many types of software out there really do not know if something similar to what I want to do. I am running Windows Vista, so hopefully all the programs you give me would work. Be WPF format is new to Vista, so anything that got away it would be nice too. If you know everything you can about what you want to make all information would be fantastic. Thank you.

I use PUNCH! Home Design AS 3000. I work for a builder and can design in 3D rooms, houses, inside, outside, place and changing the furniture, etc. CAUTION: Despite what the Punch! people say, it is not fully compatible with Vista.

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