
What language is this?

Friend sorry nao te liguei.. e que eu falei com minha mae e ela erolou enrolou e nao falou nada! :/ Ela falou que vai ver com o meu pai, e com minha tia.. massss pelo menos ela nao falou um NAO logo de cara! hahaha, entao eu vou conversar com minha tia amanha que e mais legal, e pedir pra ela ajudar a convencer minha maaae! Acho que vai acabar dando certoooo! 😀

not called you .. and I spoke with my mother and she wrapped erol and not say anything! : / She said she’ll do with my father and my aunt .. massss at least she spoke not one right away NO! hahaha, so I’ll talk to my aunt that tomorrow and feel, and ask her to help convince my maaa! I think he’ll get certoooo!

The Google Logo in 884 4×6 Photographs: Construction Time-lapse

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