Sale Logos

sale logos
In the following scenario, would using a company’s logo be illegal?

There is some some interest in an automobile part for a vehicle model that hasn’t been produced in over 20 years. The part was originally an option that is no longer offered by the manufacturer. Would it be illegal to reproduce this part—a component of which contains the manufacturer’s logo—for sale? What if no profiting is involved (i.e. pooled purchase or pricing at cost)?

It should be known that the manufacturer is still operating.
The section with the logo, I must add, is the most important piece of the part in question. Excluding it from the aftermarket replacement wouldn’t be an option.

If the manufacturer is still operating and using that trademark, then your making and selling something with their brand on it would be a trademark infringement. In fact, unless you have their permission, even if you just give away the part, the fact that the trademark is incorporated into the part would violate their right to prevent others from “using their brand to insinuate a relationship that does not exist.”

Why not just use a different logo (i.e., not similar to theirs) or ask for permission for a limited run of collector’s edition parts? They may be THRILLED to have someone like you helping their after-market customers continue to enjoy their cars.

PART 1: Huge card collection for sale MOJO LEBRON NFL LOGOS

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