Web Design Agency

web design agency
I want to get into Web Design. I work for an Ad Agency at the moment, but in accounts. What should I do?

Shall I buy an IMac when I can afford it? And what software shall I learn? Dreamweaver? Flash 9?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Some of the best software you can get for designing websites is completely free. As are the available articles and lessons.

For visual web layout…

For coding/programming…

For graphics…

For transferring your files to/from a web hosting service..

For developing interactive web applications in Java…

If you need a full-blown operating system, consider a free Linux distribution. Popular ones with helpful, user-friendly online communities are Mandriva, SUSE, and Ubuntu.

That last one, Ubuntu, will even email you the whole thing on CD if you don’t feel like downloading & burning it.

I should note here again that this is quality, production-level software. Sometimes what you get is worth MORE THAN what you paid for it. I own full-blown versions of Dreamweaver (the whole suite, including Flash and Fireworks), Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe PhotoShop and ImageReady… and they all are pretty much collecting dust on the shelf.

Finally, for training, start by reading all you can over at WebMonkey…

The truth about web design :Web design agency–What now?

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