Website Design Agency

website design agency
How I can find clients for my graphic design agency?

I tried I've tried Craig's List. I tried friends contact. Send to strangers. I do not know what to do. I started a graphic design company with my brother in October last year, and while for some work, we only have enough to cover our costs of just one month to another. Where we have to find companies that graphic design? And as economic Art neglected in the design, but really? Most people I've found that Web sites are not very complicated, but pay for it, and we bid on projects low ballers and outsourcing to India. Any suggestions or personal stories of success would be very grateful. PS we have to think that maybe our website ( redesign or make some kind of viral marketing program. If you spend much time doing these things, and loosely based on billable time or we focus our efforts on elsewhere?

I agree with other poster about joining the local Chamber of Commerce as a starting point. For a few hundred dollars a year that can provide you with a lot of resources. Also, do not try to compete on projects where competition foreign firms that work for slave wages. Start your local business and build. Find a niche that nobody else maintenance. If you can not compete in large orders then try with good quality and low cost sites web "boot." Maintain free resources such as Craigslist and other things. They could not get answers but his name is there, and some of these web sites large classified ads are tracked by the major search engines, which also helps your business website in search listings daily. All this takes time and does not really see the fruits of their work until they have done for over a year.

About Adido – The web design and online marketing agency

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