Website Designers

website designers
How do web designers change their website layout without changing each page?

Say a website has a menu on their homepage and they wanted to add a few more categories to the menu. How would they go about adding them so that every single of one of their pages containing that menu would see the change?

Same with backgrounds. If they wanted to change their background and promulgate it to the rest of their site, is there a way to make one change and have it effect the whole website?

Is there a technique that does this and where can I learn it?

Server Side Includes:

I use the non-php SSI and works very well for me as I only have to edit the nav menu include file and it will be updated on all pages when I upload and overwrite the same include file online. I have more than one include file for different things I can change which appear on all my site’s pages.

The background image change for all pages would be on the external CSS file that all pages will link to. All you have to do is change the image, give it the same name on the CSS file, upload it via FTP and overwrite the other background image file. Saves editing the CSS file by just naming the image the same as the original.


Photoshop Website Design – Header

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