How To Graphic Design

how to graphic design
How to pursue graphic design and writing?

I want to pursue and career in graphic design and/or writing. Currently I go to an online high school in the the 10th grade. I can choose my own electives. I want to know what is the best way to prepare myself to enter these field. Any good advice is truly appreciated.

I am not sure on how to get more chances to get into college, except general better grades. But for graphic design you should study the work of people you like. Exposure to other people’s work should trigger your creativity, and allow you to explore bolder ideas. Do not forget improving your technique(s), to widen your graphic vocabulary.

Similarly for writing, you should read and read, and then write and write, and then read and write.

Perhaps joining a writing club and an arts class might help you to get and provide feedback to others.

Two quotes from Borges
1) Reading is an activity subsequent to writing: more resigned, more civil, more intellectual.
2) I take more pride on the pages I have read, than from the ones I have written.

Richard Hammond presents Bloody Omaha (The Graphics)

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