School Of Graphic Design

school of graphic design
Is it better to go to a state University or an Art School for Graphic design?

I’m at a state school right now, and I’m debating whether or not I should transfer to an art school. Could people attending one please tell me the pros and cons of such a decision.

I’m absolutely of the opinion that a regular university is better for graphic design than an art school, because I’m also of the opinion that graphic design is more of a communication and less of an art.

Getting a bachelor’s degree in design from a university requires you to take a broad array of classes in a lot of disciplines, which gives you a pool of knowledge that is critical for a designer to be able to tap into later. Graphic designers will often have to design for clients in a wide array of fields, and the more you know about the world in general, the smarter your concepts will be.

Ohio University School of Art Graphic Design Exhibition

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