Logo Design Uk

logo design uk
Company logo design – ATN 'Photoshop' Guru!?

Hi everyone! Specifically looking for a little help from one of the geniuses who would "live, eat and sleep in Photoshop! You know who you are! I shot some pictures at the following address … Http://www.atnp.co.uk/logo.html The problem I have is that while they look good through the Internet as a logo for each page I have on my site (do not think it was worth the effort a rookie!) I can not use a header that they released all grainy and jagged … Just look away when printing! Assuming that I planted with the resolutions, so I do not know? So if someone has a few spare minutes and want to help a business startup that has much to offer, please come to my rescue and say hello! We are to honor and to bow to your superior knowledge! Haha for CRIS

I have been in print over ten years. You must also worry about color separation, if you do not look like a 4-color. It looks like two colors for me. You must have this in Adobe Illustrator vector not to keep. Email me if you want. I will help for free.

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