Radio Logo Design

radio logo design
How to I explain to my client that having a different logo for every event undermines their brand?

I’m a design graduate working freelance and I’ve designed a logo for a client who hosts a number of events: has a radio station, club night, band nights etc…. They want a completely different logo for each of these and I am struggling a little on how to explain that this is not a good idea as it undermines the continuity of the brand for recognition by customers etc. I feel that a slight variation of the logo, perhaps the colours etc would be a better idea. For example Coca Cola which keeps it bright red but uses abbreviations ‘Coke’ and adds ‘Zero’ on other products. Can anyone tell me some other examples and how to explain this to them? Thanks

I do understand your point. But as business enterprises they maybe separate entities. I don’t know how taxes work in the U.K.,nor can I honestly say how they work here in the states. But each one of these endeavors maybe be separate companies for tax purposes and keeping them not associated with each other maybe be for that reason. Coca-Cola is selling products under the identification of Coca-Cola but here they have bought out some locally favorite bottling companies. They retain the names of the product for marketing purposes and run the companies as subsidiaries. All owned ultimately by Coke but I’m willing to bet that the taxes are paid not by Coke but the subsidiary which runs as a separate entity. Another,Pepsi Cola owns Dr Pepper. Dr. Pepper still retains it’s original logo and identifications and only in the fine print is Pepsi co acknowledged with Dr. Pepper as a subsidiary. Many large companies are diversified producing products that are very unrelated. Years ago my dad worked for what was the Tenneco Oil,they were eventually bought out by Exxon-Mobil. Tenneco owned Case Tractor Company, Orchards, packaging companies, Newport News Ship Yard as well as other concerns. None had the name Tenneco Oil associated with them. This all has changed over the years what with buy outs and the selling of assets. And it would seem to me that you would benefit from the clients diversity.

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