Business Logos Design

business logos design
I need a business logo design. Where can I find designers?

I just open a new business and now looking for design logo services. If you have any specific logo designers who are good at logo creation, please share with me. Thanks

You can always go to logo company website which offers custom logo design packages. But one thing that is not good about doing that is you only get up to 3-5 revision and only 1 idea by a particular logo designer.

Why don’t you go for logo contest? You can see more logo designers designing your company logo and on top of that you receive different ideas from different designers. This will help you understand what other people interpret your business to be.

I know one good website which runs logo contest and has many good designers. You can launch any design projects there. Nowadays logo contest is the way to go. Not to say that hiring one designer is bad thing but as someone who are looking for a logo for their new business, they seek variety.

The Basics of Good Logo Design

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