Company Slogans

company slogans
What are some famous Barbie company slogans or mottos?

Doing a report on Barbie and I get extra credit if I sing the slogans or mention past phrases that Barbie advertised with. If you can think of any let me know!


do song type things count? cause I know that when they came out with barbie peek-a-boo they had a short song type thing for it. you’d have to look that up. Oh and I found this:

‘In 1984 Barbie is sold with the slogan “We girls can do anything”. “Day-to-Night” Barbie comes with a briefcase, calculator, newspaper and business card. And Mattel releases “She-Ra, Princess of Power”, promoted with the slogan “The fate of the world is in the hands of one beautiful girl”. ‘

Company Slogans

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