Design My Logo

design my logo
Where can I find Free Logos and Free Logo Design online?

I have a small business that has been growing and I am looking for help finding a resource online that offers free logos and/or free logo design. The service needs to be of high quality where I can choose colors and a logo design that works for my business. I have used google and other services but they do not seem to have quality sites that offer free business logos. If anyone can help me out it would be greatly appreciated.

I was searching for a company who would do free logos for my small business too. I found online. They were an exceptional resource. They made a free logo design for me about 6 months ago. There work was exceptional they designed the logo and had it back to me in 24 hours (they say 48 hours on the site) I have to admit that they were extremely helpful they allowed me to pick the colors and the design who would have thought you could get a high quality free business logo online customized for my business.

(HD) My Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Logo Design #2

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