What Is Graphic Design

what is graphic design
What are all the elements of graphic design?

I am trainee level graphic designer. i want to know that what is graphic design? & what are all the elements of graphic design?. I am always strumbled with choosing correct font for right place & choosing colors, give me some suggestions or tips for overcome from my problem. generally how to design a ad?. please give the elabrate answer that will clarify my all doubts.

please help me.

my heartful thanks to those who all answer to my question.

My favorite subject! I’m a freelance Graphic Designer. This is a very complex question I will try to answer as well as I can.

First of all…Graphic design is not art. It’s not self-serving as fine art is.

Graphic design is visually & effectively conveying a message to the general population (ads, business cards, letter heads, magazines, etc). It persuades and influences and informs the public.

There are several things that you to consider when designing: what does your client want to convey? Who is their target audience (teens, adults, children, etc.)? Then of course there are context, emotion, spirituality, etc.

There is so much to consider when you’re designing! But that shouldn’t scare you off. It’s so much fun! Taking all of it into consideration is key. This helps when you’re considering font, color, etc. For example: If you’re designing an ad for a wedding planner–what is it that they want to get across? obviously romance, love and forever. So there are emotions of love, and how do you convey love? What colors would you use? White, red, pink. right? Then you have font…romance is not heavy, it’s light and airy and falling in love is happy… you’d want to use a happy, elegant font.

That’s just one example. You could do this with each client you have.

Consider their field. I have a client who is a coffee roaster…caffeine makes you hyper so I use a bold, “catch me” font in her ads. I also have a client who is a jewelry and accessories supplier. Her stuff is geared more toward women…so I use girly fonts.

Graphic design is a lot of asking questions! Feel free to email me with more specific questions!

Winterhouse : Graphic Design Is

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