Graphic Design Opportunities

graphic design opportunities
Question about graphic design/related careers (in the UK)?

I’m taking on a degree course in graphic design starting this September and am wondering what employment opportunities are like on graduation. Is it a good career or can the degree lead to something related that is better?
Also, can it lead to a lucrative career? Many thanks for any advice/info.

as well as how good your portfolio is, it will depend alot on how much networking you do when you at uni, try to get work placements for a week, intern or just constantly talking to people about there company etc…
most companies will also heavily rely on character so giving an impression of yourself will help for when you search for a job.

as far as a career its one of those occupations that gives out as much as you give in, you will have to start low and youll get as far as your willing to work for, but remember why you got into graphic design first of all, if it was only for a career then you wont last long, just keep enjoying it and you will always be happy!

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