Graphic Design Portfolios

graphic design portfolios
Can I use fake product designs in my professional graphic design portfolio?

In class our teacher had us design “products” for companies that really exist. These companies did not use these fictious products. I am now putting together my design portfolio and want to know if I can use these designs, or if it incorrectly implies that I’ve had these big compaines as clients.

Student works do have a place in a professional’s portfolio, as long as the work was not done too far in the past. It is best do indicate that it is a student class assignment so that it will not be mistaken as a actual client product.

Where you may face problems is if you place these images online. It is considered copyright infringement if you use real product names and registered trademarks on your website without permission. You CAN try to get the company’s permission by contacting the 800 phone number usually found on the real product’s packaging.

Andrew White – Graphic Design Portfolio

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