Logo Design Graphic

logo design graphic
how much for a graphic design logo?

hi i ws wondering how much a logo would be to be designed by a designer?
if its expensive can i approach a college student and pay them a little less as im low on starting up funds for my business,
i know i can go to vista print etc and use template but i want a personalised one.
so is there certain cost that are adding accordingly?

thnks for your help
o and when i pproach a designer what do i need to tel them and what do they need to know?

Why not approach both the graphic designer (professional) and the graphic design student.
Ask the professional for his/her rates first or you could land yourself with a hefty bill.
The student would be only to pleased since it would provide him/her with ‘real’ work for their portfolio rather than exercises.
You would need to find out from the professional the cost to produce as ‘camera ready artwork’ or an estimate for same. Ask the student what they would be prepared to accept. I know which would be the cheaper!
Personally I would use the student.
You would need to provide them with all your specifications for the work, ie type or font size, possibly type face. Colour or colours dependant upon application. Possibly applications such as business cards, letterheads, packaging etc.
Hope this helps.

Logo Design Showcase #1 – Webcore Design

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