Make Software

make software
How do you make software for a MAC??

I am a begginer and just wanna know if its easy, do you need software to make software, or whats like the basics ^-^ pleeassee help me

Hi Katlyn,

Thanks for your interest in programming for the Macintosh. Mac users love our programmers. I’m not a programmer myself, so I respect what you are going to undertake and would love to help you out any way that you want. 🙂

There’s a software developers conference coming up. Here’s a web site with more information:

I usually download all of my software from VersionTracker. I did a search for programming and came up with a bunch of tools. I hope that you can check them out here:

If you’re just starting out and want to get your feet wet in programming for the Mac, how about practicing out with AppleScript? There’s plenty of resorces at the Apple web site as well as the Help menu from the AppleScript Utility and Script Editor programs. Also at the Apple web site.

I hope that this info will help you.


How To Make A Simple Program or Software With Notepad (HD)

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