Web Page Design Prices

web page design prices
If I needed a web page designed how can I get a price quote?

I need to get a price quote for my boss.I work at a small insurance company and just need a small web site to advertise our name and show our location. He really wants to get an online insurance quote ablity for our customers but right now we just need a simple 1 web page design. how much would this cost? and how much for the online insurance quote?

I charge $55 to register host and design a simple one page design. my web site is http://www.expresswebdesigns.com if you would like to check it out.

As for the online insurance price quoting it would range in $125 – $800 depending on how automatic you want it. we can set up a way for you to answer each one via live chat or email or even set up a form for the customer to fill out and allow it to generate a price quote.

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