Web Design Glasgow

web design glasgow
Moving areas, housing benefit?

I was working for a year but had to stop due to an injury.

I am currently living in Edinburgh on housing benefit(can’t find a job in my subject) and am thinking of moving back to Glasgow, where most of my friends are) and will hiopfully have more luck finding a job in my sunject, do you think i will be able to change housing benefit from city to city if i find a place to rent in Glasgow or do you think there will be problems with this from the council?

I am trying also thinking of starting up my own business in web design but it’s going to take a while to get moving hence i still need the benefit for a few months more.. Or maybe i will find a job in Glasgow that pays the rent.

I just have a niggling feeling that the council might think i am moving from place to place and not grant my housing d , which i am not, the real issue is even that i miss my frriends in Glasgow! But i do hope to be working in the nest few months…

what do you think.?

If you are moving there should’nt be any problem with that as people do move for various different reasons. You will have to change councils when claiming and it should be straight forward as you have claimed before. Good luck in your new venture.

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